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Recoup after a Dupe

To be nameless is not to be shameful. So what, a rose does not cease being a ‘rose’ if called by another name. So said the Bard “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" is a frequently referenced part of William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, in which Juliet seems to argue that it does not matter that Romeo is from her rival's house of Montague, that is, that he is named "Montague."

In most of my blogs, my characters are either nameless or have fictitious names. The flesh, bones and blood inset in them makes them remarkable. Who knows, one day I may talk about myself with a fictitious (fictional?) name, no, not a pen name. Huh! I know they will not spend a ‘penny’ to sue me. Hereafter, even when these characters (named) flow down my pen, I will not spare them my frank outbursts in a stingy way – a word, a line (140 characters), a paragraph or a page. So beware. At times, I can be panegyric.
The human race began with Manu, Adam or a ‘treatise from Darwin’. But we all last till the brain can  think and tick over. Stop gloating about what you can ‘think’ and you cannot. A neurology researcher, Kim Suozzi hardly 24, from Arizona in the US did not survive cancer and passed away in January 2013. But Kim’s boyfriend Josh tried ‘cryonics’. Her ‘brain’ would be ‘frozen’ so as to help future researchers to know how a 23-year old’s brain functions. Now that can contribute to a lot of useful information for the student community in neurological research. Does that give extra power for scholars & researchers to cash in on the subject? Stall the emotion but do not unduly hover around materialistic gains.
Gain means power, power means giving way to fanning out sops to the undeserving.

“Power corrupt” minds

Even if we have a series of discussing techniques in cleansing the mind, it has become imperatively impossible to disentangle clutter.
Clutter in any form creates an unrelenting virus. The more man tries to ‘disentangle’, the more he gets caught in the process of inviting hassles. The refined way of thinking simple no longer exists. Somehow the जुगाड़ ’ gets in the way. This gives rise to crimes in small lots. I must say the social media has a direct hand in creating thoughts that evolve a जुगाड़  method of handling problems. The substantive or traditional methods have lost meaning and purpose. All are looking for ‘short-cuts’ to success. If when we get hold of a virus that leads us to success, who will say ‘No’. I, too, have fallen prey to this virus.

If I visit the ‘multiplex’ theatre with the intent of seeing a film the window that beckons the maximum audience is the better film. Thank God, here a section of the audience has good taste. Then if you crave for a couple of tickets you may take a जुगाड़ plunge.
The ‘power’ I just spoke about is affording something to show off in the given situation and that is the money power.

Sleaze and money are ‘fevicol’ chums

Speaking of money, till date, nobody denies that sleaze does not draw money. One such example, a heinous murder blown out of proportion is to hammer in  that this network exists and laughs and guffaws its way to the bank. Note those entities who move slyly through sleazy alleys lead to bigger and better propositions and avenues of amassing wealth.
This ‘glut’ of wealth is generally unaccounted and hence not taxable. Get it right – sleaze, हवाला , and murder form the Bermuda triangle of spirally politics. Whether it is spiraling upwards or downwards is dependent on how objective and conscious you are. Some instances below from ‘observations’ in my lifetime:
*He (in Mumbai) runs a gambling ‘den’ the interiors lead you to a dancing ‘den’ and sleeping ‘den’ – then where?
*Mother-daughter duo (in Mumbai) running a classical dance ‘class’ for the ‘classy’ crowd – then where?
*He(in Chennai) is a wholesaler of asafoetida, a condiment, quite pungent but repulsive if stored in huge lots at the entrance of a dwelling. The sacks lead you to a sparkling drawing room that is carpeted red and lit with dim red lights. Oops quite scary! – you know where to go?
I quote these above instances from ‘observation’ while on a beat but was unable to put it in print.

Two sides of a coin

I need not expatiate on the brighter side which may have this shine from ‘sleazy’ stuff and the dimmer side is not penury but a kind of discreet and righteous way of earning a fortune. Mind you ‘bequeathed’ money generally allures you to go the wrong way. A deft handling needs financial consultants who also can be wayward. A ‘crook’ operates like many as a stock broker and fleeced Rs 25k initially in the ‘hope’ ('Ether' in reality means the dough will disappear in no time) to make a fortune with stocks. He duped my kin by drawing more cash for more stocks better still doing it through messages on your ‘smart’ phone, which is not actually smart, Huh! Finally after threatening the guy with a law suit he retreated but flashed a superb picture of swanky car,on WhatsApp and the creature was wearing a new suit modeling in front of his car. But we got rid of him. Beware of stock brokers.

Have you had such ‘dupe’soups? Keep it on the oven and serve it cool.May you never be duped Take Care.


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